pytestshellutils package#



pytestshellutils.customtypes module#

Custom Types.

class pytestshellutils.customtypes.EnvironDict[source]#

Bases: Dict[str, str]

Environ dictionary type.

__str__() str[source]#

String representation of the class.

class pytestshellutils.customtypes.GenericCallback(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Protocol

Generic callback function.

__call__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Call the generic callback.

class pytestshellutils.customtypes.DaemonCallback(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Protocol

Daemon callback function.

__call__(daemon: Daemon) None[source]#

Call the daemon callback.

class pytestshellutils.customtypes.Callback(*, func: Callable[[...], Any], args: Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]] = None, kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Class which “stores” information of a callback.

func: Callable[[...], Any]#
args: Tuple[Any, ...]#
kwargs: Dict[str, Any]#
__str__() str[source]#

String representation of the class.

__call__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) Any[source]#

Call the callback.

pytestshellutils.exceptions module#

Pytest Shell Utilities related exceptions.

exception pytestshellutils.exceptions.ShellUtilsException[source]#

Bases: Exception

Base pytest shell utilities exception.

exception pytestshellutils.exceptions.CallbackException[source]#

Bases: pytestshellutils.exceptions.ShellUtilsException

Exception raised during a before/after start/stop daemon callback.

exception pytestshellutils.exceptions.ProcessFailed(message: str, process_result: Optional[pytestshellutils.utils.processes.ProcessResult] = None)[source]#

Bases: pytestshellutils.exceptions.ShellUtilsException

Exception raised when a sub-process fails.


message (str) – The exception message

Keyword Arguments

process_result – ProcessResult: The ProcessResult instance when the exception occurred

__str__() str[source]#

Return a printable representation of the exception.

exception pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryFailure(message: str, process_result: Optional[pytestshellutils.utils.processes.ProcessResult] = None)[source]#

Bases: pytestshellutils.exceptions.ProcessFailed

Exception raised when a sub-process fails on one of the factories.

exception pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryNotStarted(message: str, process_result: Optional[pytestshellutils.utils.processes.ProcessResult] = None)[source]#

Bases: pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryFailure

Exception raised when a factory failed to start.

Please look at FactoryFailure for the supported keyword arguments documentation.

exception pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryNotRunning(message: str, process_result: Optional[pytestshellutils.utils.processes.ProcessResult] = None)[source]#

Bases: pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryFailure

Exception raised when trying to use a factory’s .stopped context manager and the factory is not running.

Please look at FactoryFailure for the supported keyword arguments documentation.

exception pytestshellutils.exceptions.ProcessNotStarted(message: str, process_result: Optional[pytestshellutils.utils.processes.ProcessResult] = None)[source]#

Bases: pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryFailure

Exception raised when a process failed to start.

Please look at FactoryFailure for the supported keywords. arguments documentation.

exception pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryTimeout(message: str, process_result: Optional[pytestshellutils.utils.processes.ProcessResult] = None)[source]#

Bases: pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryNotStarted

Exception raised when a process timed-out.

Please look at FactoryFailure for the supported keywords. arguments documentation.

pytestshellutils.plugin module#

Pytest shell utilities plugin.[source]#

Shell fixture. module#

Shelling class implementations.

class*, cwd: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = NOTHING, environ: pytestshellutils.customtypes.EnvironDict = NOTHING)[source]#

Bases: object

Base factory class.

Keyword Arguments
  • cwd (pathlib.Path) – The path to the desired working directory

  • environ (dict) – A dictionary of key, value pairs to add to the environment.

cwd: pathlib.Path#
environ: pytestshellutils.customtypes.EnvironDict#
class*, factory: Union[Factory, Subprocess, ScriptSubprocess])[source]#

Bases: object

Subprocess interaction implementation.

Keyword Arguments

factory (Subprocess) – The factory instance, either Subprocess or a sub-class of it.

factory: Union[,,]#
cmdline(*args: str, **kwargs: Any) List[str][source]#

Construct a list of arguments to use when starting the subprocess.


args (str) – Additional arguments to use when starting the subprocess

By default, this method will just call it’s factory’s cmdline() method, but can be overridden.

init_terminal(cmdline: List[str], env: Optional[pytestshellutils.customtypes.EnvironDict] = None) subprocess.Popen[Any][source]#

Instantiate a terminal with the passed command line(cmdline) and return it.

Additionally, it sets a reference to it in self._terminal and also collects an initial listing of child processes which will be used when terminating the terminal


cmdline (list,tuple) – List of strings to pass as args to Popen

Keyword Arguments

environ (dict) – A dictionary of key, value pairs to add to the

is_running() bool[source]#

Returns true if the sub-process is alive.


Returns true if the sub-process is alive

Return type


terminate() pytestshellutils.utils.processes.ProcessResult[source]#

Terminate the started subprocess.

Return type


property pid: Optional[int]#

The pid of the running process. None if not running.

run(*args: str, env: Optional[pytestshellutils.customtypes.EnvironDict] = None, **kwargs: Any) subprocess.Popen[Any][source]#

Run the given command synchronously.

class*, cwd: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = NOTHING, environ: pytestshellutils.customtypes.EnvironDict = NOTHING, slow_stop: bool = True, system_encoding: str = NOTHING, timeout: Union[int, float] = NOTHING)[source]#


Base shell factory class.

Keyword Arguments
  • slow_stop (bool) – Whether to terminate the processes by sending a SIGTERM signal or by calling terminate() on the sub-process. When code coverage is enabled, one will want slow_stop set to True so that coverage data can be written down to disk.

  • system_encoding (str) – The system encoding to use when decoding the subprocess output. Defaults to “utf-8”.

  • timeout (int,float) – The default maximum amount of seconds that a script should run. This value can be overridden when calling run() through the _timeout keyword argument, and, in that case, the timeout value applied would be that of _timeout instead of self.timeout.

slow_stop: bool#
system_encoding: str#
timeout: Union[int, float]#
__attrs_post_init__() None[source]#

Post attrs class initialization routines.

cmdline(*args: str) List[str][source]#

Method to construct a command line.

get_display_name() str[source]#

Returns a human readable name for the factory.

is_running() bool[source]#

Returns true if the sub-process is alive.

terminate() pytestshellutils.utils.processes.ProcessResult[source]#

Terminate the started subprocess.

property pid: Optional[int]#

The pid of the running process. None if not running.


Method generated by attrs for class Factory.

class*, cwd: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = NOTHING, environ: pytestshellutils.customtypes.EnvironDict = NOTHING, slow_stop: bool = True, system_encoding: str = NOTHING, timeout: Union[int, float] = NOTHING)[source]#


Base shell factory class.

run(*args: str, env: Optional[pytestshellutils.customtypes.EnvironDict] = None, _timeout: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, **kwargs: Any) pytestshellutils.utils.processes.ProcessResult[source]#

Run the given command synchronously.

Keyword Arguments
  • args (list,tuple) – The list of arguments to pass to cmdline() to construct the command to run

  • _timeout (int.float) – The timeout value for this particular run() call. If this value is not None, it will be used instead of timeout, the default timeout.

process_output(stdout: str, stderr: str, cmdline: Optional[List[str]] = None) Tuple[str, str, Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]][source]#

Process the output. When possible JSON is loaded from the output.


Returns a tuple in the form of (stdout, stderr, loaded_json)

Return type


class*, cwd: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = NOTHING, environ: pytestshellutils.customtypes.EnvironDict = NOTHING, slow_stop: bool = True, system_encoding: str = NOTHING, timeout: Union[int, float] = NOTHING, script_name: str, base_script_args: List[str] = NOTHING)[source]#


Base CLI script/binary class.

Keyword Arguments
  • script_name (str) – This is the string containing the name of the binary to call on the subprocess, either the full path to it, or the basename. In case of the basename, the directory containing the basename must be in your $PATH variable.

  • base_script_args (list,tuple) – An list or tuple iterable of the base arguments to use when building the command line to launch the process

Please look at Factory for the additional supported keyword arguments documentation.

script_name: str#
base_script_args: List[str]#
get_display_name() str[source]#

Returns a human readable name for the factory.

get_script_path() str[source]#

Returns the path to the script to run.

get_base_script_args() List[str][source]#

Returns any additional arguments to pass to the CLI script.

get_script_args() List[str][source]#

Returns any additional arguments to pass to the CLI script.

cmdline(*args: str) List[str][source]#

Construct a list of arguments to use when starting the subprocess.


args (str) – Additional arguments to use when starting the subprocess

Return type


class*, args: Tuple[str, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: object

This class holds the arguments and keyword arguments used to start a daemon.

It’s used when restarting the daemon so that the same call is used.

Keyword Arguments
  • args (list,tuple) – List of arguments

  • kwargs (dict) – Dictionary of keyword arguments

args: Tuple[str, ...]#
kwargs: Dict[str, Any]#
class*, factory: Daemon, before_start_callbacks: List[pytestshellutils.customtypes.Callback] = NOTHING, after_start_callbacks: List[pytestshellutils.customtypes.Callback] = NOTHING, before_terminate_callbacks: List[pytestshellutils.customtypes.Callback] = NOTHING, after_terminate_callbacks: List[pytestshellutils.customtypes.Callback] = NOTHING)[source]#


Daemon subprocess interaction implementation.

Please look at SubprocessImpl for the additional supported keyword arguments documentation.

before_start(callback: Callable[[], None], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Register a function callback to run before the daemon starts.


callback (Callable) – The function to call back

Keyword Arguments
  • args – The arguments to pass to the callback

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments to pass to the callback

after_start(callback: Callable[[], None], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Register a function callback to run after the daemon starts.


callback (Callable) – The function to call back

Keyword Arguments
  • args – The arguments to pass to the callback

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments to pass to the callback

before_terminate(callback: Callable[[], None], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Register a function callback to run before the daemon terminates.


callback (Callable) – The function to call back

Keyword Arguments
  • args – The arguments to pass to the callback

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments to pass to the callback

after_terminate(callback: Callable[[], None], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Register a function callback to run after the daemon terminates.


callback (Callable) – The function to call back

Keyword Arguments
  • args – The arguments to pass to the callback

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments to pass to the callback

start(*extra_cli_arguments: str, max_start_attempts: Optional[int] = None, start_timeout: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None) bool[source]#

Start the daemon.

Keyword Arguments
  • extra_cli_arguments (tuple) – Extra arguments to pass to the CLI that starts the daemon

  • max_start_attempts (int) – Maximum number of attempts to try and start the daemon in case of failures

  • start_timeout (int,float) – The maximum number of seconds to wait before considering that the daemon did not start

terminate() pytestshellutils.utils.processes.ProcessResult[source]#

Terminate the daemon.


Return the arguments and keyword arguments used when starting the daemon.

Return type


class*, cwd: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = NOTHING, environ: pytestshellutils.customtypes.EnvironDict = NOTHING, slow_stop: bool = True, system_encoding: str = NOTHING, timeout: Union[int, float] = NOTHING, script_name: str, base_script_args: List[str] = NOTHING, check_ports: List[int] = NOTHING, stats_processes: StatsProcesses = None, start_timeout: Union[int, float], max_start_attempts: int = 3, extra_cli_arguments_after_first_start_failure: List[str] = NOTHING, start_checks_callbacks: List[pytestshellutils.customtypes.Callback] = NOTHING)[source]#


Base daemon factory.

Keyword Arguments
  • check_ports (list) – List of ports to try and connect to while confirming that the daemon is up and running

  • extra_cli_arguments_after_first_start_failure (tuple,) – Extra arguments to pass to the CLI that starts the daemon after the first failure

  • max_start_attempts (int) – Maximum number of attempts to try and start the daemon in case of failures

  • start_timeout (int) – The maximum number of seconds to wait before considering that the daemon did not start

Please look at Subprocess for the additional supported keyword arguments documentation.

script_name: str#
base_script_args: List[str]#
check_ports: List[int]#
stats_processes: StatsProcesses#
start_timeout: Union[int, float]#
max_start_attempts: int#
extra_cli_arguments_after_first_start_failure: List[str]#
listen_ports: List[int]#
__attrs_post_init__() None[source]#

Post attrs class initialization routines.

before_start(callback: Callable[[], None], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Register a function callback to run before the daemon starts.


callback (Callable) – The function to call back

Keyword Arguments
  • args – The arguments to pass to the callback

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments to pass to the callback

after_start(callback: Callable[[], None], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Register a function callback to run after the daemon starts.


callback (Callable) – The function to call back

Keyword Arguments
  • args – The arguments to pass to the callback

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments to pass to the callback

before_terminate(callback: Callable[[], None], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Register a function callback to run before the daemon terminates.


callback (Callable) – The function to call back

Keyword Arguments
  • args – The arguments to pass to the callback

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments to pass to the callback

after_terminate(callback: Callable[[], None], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Register a function callback to run after the daemon terminates.


callback (Callable) – The function to call back

Keyword Arguments
  • args – The arguments to pass to the callback

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments to pass to the callback

start_check(callback: Callable[[...], bool], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None[source]#

Register a function to run after the daemon starts to confirm readiness for work.

The callback must accept as the first argument timeout_at which is a float. The callback must stop trying to confirm running behavior once time.time() > timeout_at. The callback should return True to confirm that the daemon is ready for work.

For example:

def check_running_state(timeout_at: float) -> bool
    while time.time() <= timeout_at:
        # run some checks
        # if all is good
        return False
    return True

callback (Callable) – The function to call back

Keyword Arguments
  • args – The arguments to pass to the callback

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments to pass to the callback

get_check_ports() List[int][source]#

Return a list of ports to check against to ensure the daemon is running.

get_start_check_callbacks() List[pytestshellutils.customtypes.Callback][source]#

Return a list of the start check callbacks.

start(*extra_cli_arguments: str, max_start_attempts: Optional[int] = None, start_timeout: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None) bool[source]#

Start the daemon.

started(*extra_cli_arguments: str, max_start_attempts: Optional[int] = None, start_timeout: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None) Generator[, None, None][source]#

Start the daemon and return it’s instance so it can be used as a context manager.

stopped(before_stop_callback: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None, after_stop_callback: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None, before_start_callback: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None, after_start_callback: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None) Generator[, None, None][source]#

Stop the daemon and return it’s instance so it can be used as a context manager.

Keyword Arguments
  • before_stop_callback (Callable) – A callable to run before stopping the daemon. The callback must accept one argument, the daemon instance.

  • after_stop_callback (Callable) – A callable to run after stopping the daemon. The callback must accept one argument, the daemon instance.

  • before_start_callback (Callable) – A callable to run before starting the daemon. The callback must accept one argument, the daemon instance.

  • after_start_callback (Callable) – A callable to run after starting the daemon. The callback must accept one argument, the daemon instance.

This context manager will stop the factory while the context is in place, it re-starts it once out of context.

For example:

assert factory.is_running() is True

with factory.stopped():
    assert factory.is_running() is False

assert factory.is_running() is True
run_start_checks(started_at: float, timeout_at: float) bool[source]#

Run checks to confirm that the daemon has started.


Use class as a context manager.

__exit__(*_: Any) None[source]#

Exit the class context manager.

pytestshellutils.version module#