Source code for pytestshellutils.exceptions

# Copyright 2021-2024 VMware, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Pytest Shell Utilities related exceptions.
from typing import Optional

from pytestshellutils.utils.processes import ProcessResult

[docs] class ShellUtilsException(Exception): """ Base pytest shell utilities exception. """
[docs] class CallbackException(ShellUtilsException): """ Exception raised during a before/after start/stop daemon callback. """
[docs] class ProcessFailed(ShellUtilsException): """ Exception raised when a sub-process fails. Arguments: message: The exception message Keyword Arguments: process_result: The ``ProcessResult`` instance when the exception occurred """ def __init__(self, message: str, process_result: Optional[ProcessResult] = None) -> None: super().__init__() self.message = message self.process_result = process_result
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return a printable representation of the exception. """ message = self.message if self.process_result: if not message.endswith("\n"): message += "\n" message += str(self.process_result) return message
[docs] class FactoryFailure(ProcessFailed): """ Exception raised when a sub-process fails on one of the factories. """
[docs] class FactoryNotStarted(FactoryFailure): """ Exception raised when a factory failed to start. Please look at :py:class:`~pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryFailure` for the supported keyword arguments documentation. """
[docs] class FactoryNotRunning(FactoryFailure): """ Exception raised when trying to use a factory's `.stopped` context manager and the factory is not running. Please look at :py:class:`~pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryFailure` for the supported keyword arguments documentation. """
[docs] class ProcessNotStarted(FactoryFailure): """ Exception raised when a process failed to start. Please look at :py:class:`~pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryFailure` for the supported keywords. arguments documentation. """
[docs] class FactoryTimeout(FactoryNotStarted): """ Exception raised when a process timed-out. Please look at :py:class:`~pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryFailure` for the supported keywords. arguments documentation. """